My friend Brian has been getting into photography over the last year and has been thinking about updating his camera body. I asked him if he was thinking of trading in his old stuff that I would like to buy it off of him. Originally I was thinking about getting only the camera and the kit lens, but he kept adding things.
This is what is coming in the box that he hopefully shipped today
1) One Canon Digital Rebel xsi camera with kit lens Amazon Retail Price $750
2) One Canon EF 50mm f1.4 lens Amazon Retail Price $520
3) One Canon EF-S 55-250 f/4.0-5.6 IS zoom lens Amazon Retail Price $299.99
4) One copy of photoshop 7 Amazon Retail Price $699.99
5) One gig bag (retails at $100.00)
6) Two extra Memory cards and an extra lithium ion battery
7) A tripod
Total price to buy it retail - around $2300. I'm buying everything for $1200 including shipping. I AM SO EXCITED!!!!
Anyone else out there into photography? I want some suggestions as to where to start. I want to take an online class at and get some books. But I guess what's really going to help me is pratice pratice pratice!
Look out for ALOT more pictures on this blog!
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Video dedicated to: DragonfireEX402, TigerzRlz and GAvillain and people who have requested this for inspiration!
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