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In some parts of the world, a business card is considered an extension of a person. Etiquette coach Syndi Seid goes over the do's and don'ts of presenting and receiving a card.
Your Business Card Strategy
Do you have a Business Card Strategy? Most business professionals answer is no. Your business card is so important, often a prospects first impressions of you, and the marketing item used the most, yet business professionals put so little thought into its creation.
So how do you say enough in this small amount of space to make your business card important for a prospect or contact to remember you? Twitter has taught us that you can say quite a bit in 140 characters, so making your business card relevant to your prospects and contacts can be done.
Lets examine a Business Card Strategy created by Chris The Coach Ruisi for his clients. We will need The Coach to answer the following questions to create our own Business Card Strategy.
JF: Thanks Coach for appearing on the show. Why is it important to create a strategy when putting together your business card?
The Coach: Your business card is your first impression, it is common sense that professionals should spend some time to evaluate what is the correct message and contact information that should appear on their business card. Professionals without a business card strategy risk having the wrong message being sent to prospects.
JF: What contact information needs to be included on your business card?
The Coach: The basic contact information of Name, Title, Address, Telephone, E-mail, and Fax, and if space is available a Social Networking Contact.
JF: How important is the quality of paper and ink used?
The Coach: Your Business Card should be of good quality, it is not necessary to have the absolute best. Poor quality cards are a very bad reflection and probably go in the trash. Professionals should make it a habit to invest in themselves.
JF: How can I make my business card a marketing tool and not something prospects throw in the trash?
The Coach: It is your message that defines what need you fill and why someone should keep your contact information. Take the time to put together a correct and meaningful message.
JF: What if anything should I include on the back of my business card?
The Coach: The back of your business card should have some space to write notes. Writing notes not only helps you remember, but sends a message to your prospect that you care enough to take notes. The back of your business card can also be used to help define what role you fill.
JF: Thanks so much Coach, any closing comments to assist our readers in creating their own Business Card Strategy?
The Coach: Your business card is often your first impression; take the time to create a professional and meaningful message. Dont go cheap on the quality and message of your business card.
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