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Astor Morgan is profiled on the Copyright Alliance's Creators Across America site at http://www.copyrightalliance.org/creators. Astor is a professional photographer in Los Angeles who chairs the LA chapter of the Advertising Photographers of America. He shares how his passion for music lead him to photography and his effort to educate "garage band" photographers and the importance of their rights.
This is my first test with the Canon 1D Mark IV. I took photos at a swim meet at Wheaton College in Wheaton Illinois this past weekend. I was really impressed with the Canon 1D Mark 4. The high ISO quality is really amazing and in my opinion this camera is a must for low light sports shooting. It will really make your pictures look great. I took the images at the end of the video at 8000 ISO. I found the new auto focus system to be really responsive and fast.
Here is a link I would suggest Canon 1D Mark IV shooters read. It is about the custom functions on the 1D Mark 4. There is a lot of information and articles about this camera but this one link is a good one. Read the entire article and play with your settings and practice them.
Thanks for watching! Oh yeah, count in the movie how many times I say Canon 1D Mark 4 :). Oh well, nobody is perfect! The timelapse of Adobe Lightroom is supposed to be dark as I wanted my screen to pop a little, used a filter on my lens.
If you are looking for a sports photographer in wheaton illinois or in the dupage county area, please feel free to contact me via my website link below.
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