Logo for Polka Dot Paper Shop

Sunday, March 20, 2011 por | | |

Logo for Polka Dot Paper ShopIt's always so hard to do designer picks as we love all the designs we create... but we'd have to go with this one for our fave design for Polka Dot Paper Shop. Owner Kerrie wanted a fresh, preppy, feminine look to her designs and wanted something a little more modern than plain old polka dots. We love how the polka dots were incorporated behind some of the letters in this design... doesn't this logo make you want to go check out their fun website?!

Kerrie's Feedback: Thank you so much for the great logos! I really appreciate your work!

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Related Videos :below I show related videos and not so related to this article.

Title: Taylor Swift Bikini Babe: Polka dot retro or skimpy black?

SEXY SWIFT: Which do you like best? Tay's classic blue and white polka dot retro bikini or skimpy black with skull and crossbones logo on her breast?
"Honey Don't" Carl Perkins cover performed by Ty Walker

Title: The Alternative Polka - FLCL

Footage: FLCL
Audio: Weird Al - The Alternative Polka
Made by Pyrowolf at cybermoonstudios.com

I know this has been uploaded to Youtube already (For almost a year now?! Cripes! Pretty slow on the uptake aren't I...?), but it seemed only right I put it up myself, if just to say a few things about it... Probably my favorite AMV that I ever made.

I was dying to do another comedy based AMV and with FLCL showing on Adult Swim, I knew I could somehow connect it to Weird Al in some manner. The end result came out rather well I think. That C M S jazz was put there to cover up the [adult swim] logo, though it now seems like a pretty pointless thing to have bothered with.

This was the last AMV I put together and probably the last one I ever really intended to do.

Thanks to ZazieRainyday and all the other people that liked the video enough to put it on Youtube and the comments people have put on them.

(You don't need to bother with that e-mail address I put in the end of the video, this being Youtube and all.)


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