Cute Books from Give Simple

I was browsing Give Simple for Mothers Day gift ideas and came across these cute little books for brides-to-be and newlyweds
Cute Books from Give Simple
Cute Books from Give Simple
And I also found what NOT to give your mom for mother's day! I have to admit this is hilarious though and I bet my mom would have a good laugh if I gave her this-

Cute Books from Give Simple

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Related Videos :below I show related videos and not so related to this article.

Title: Banned Books Week: Puppet Book Banners

Chad, Rustle, and Mooch, the Crash Pad puppets, misinterpret the meaning of Banned Books Week, trying to throw some books with objectionable content--including Of Mice and Men, The Grapes of Wrath, The Joy of Cooking, and the phone book--out of the library, until Herb points out the error of their ways. More ALA videos at

Title: DEATH COOKBOOK 1 | Goth Cooking Show | La Carmina. Black Sesame Seed Ice Cream, How-To Recipe Demo.

Learn how to cook delicious Japanese food! A fun Death Note anime spoof + Japanese Gothic Lolita twist on Food Network cooking shows! Starring J-pop culture author / cute food blogger / Goth designer LA CARMINA ( ONLINE STORE NOW OPEN!

"Hello. I am Kojin, the Japanese Kitchen God. You can see me because you touched the Death Cookbook."

Write down the name of a recipe and close the book. When you open the book, a recipe from the realm of the gods will appear.

One, only those who touch the cookbook can see Kojin and use the cookbook.
Two, you can only make one entry in the cookbook every 24 hours.
Three, once a recipe appears, you have 24 hours to gather the ingredients and successfully make it. If you don't, you will turn into a hungry ghost.

3/4 cup heavy cream
3 egg yolks
1/2 cup organic honey
3/4 cup 2% organic milk
3 tablespoons kuro goma (black sesame seeds)

Roast the sesame seeds in a pan. Let cool and then coarsely grind.
Heat the milk in a saucepan until it almost boils. Reduce heat to low.
Stir together the egg yolks and honey. Add one tablespoon of the milk to the egg mixture to temper it (warm the mixture up to the same temperature as the milk so that the eggs dont scramble).
Add the egg mixture and sesame seeds to the milk. Cook on low heat until it is slightly thickened and coats the back of a spoon, about 5 minutes.
Transfer to a large container and let cool.
Lightly whip the cream and add it to the sesame-milk mixture. Refrigerate for a few hours.
Place the container in the freezer. Every few hours, remove the mixture and stir it vigorously with a wooden spoon to break up the ice crystals. Return the mixture to the freezer and repeat until smooth and frozen.

Malice Mizer: Illuminati and Rurouni Kenshin

Look out for her upcoming books, Crazy, Wacky Theme Restaurants (July 09) and Cute Yummy Time (Nov 09 on Perigee/Penguin USA).

Visit her popular BLOG - - for Gothic Lolita fashion photos / Japanese pop culture / kawaii! ^__^

Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE to Carmina's videos and add her on...
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