Remember yesterday's inspiration board? The lakefront wedding one? Well check out the darling invitation suite that Holly over at TearDrop Weddings created to go along with it. So sweet! You can see her post here, and check out her website, too.

I think this envelope with the cute little oars is my favorite part!

Thanks so much Holly - isn't it fun to see what an inspiration board can, well, inspire?!
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Hey guys its Manda. Me and devon have both decided to fastforward a bit becasue theres not much to do other then date. so we fastforward a bit.
-Demi and Kevin are married and live 30 min away from were manda nick joe and devon live.
-Nick and Manda are still dating. Same with Devon and Joe
-Devon and Manda still live in the same house
-Nick and Joe live next door
**Boys house**
Nick: I cant belive its been 5 years since we graduated home-schooling and JONAS
Joe: I know and i can't belive im going to my first disney reunion.
Nick: I know its going to be amazing
Joe: So much has changed. we have grown closer to the girls
Nick: Kevins marryed to demi and are liveing there life together
Joe: I know. I am going to ask Devon soon. i want to call Manda and have her some with me to help pick out a ring.i just don't konw when though
Nick: Same. i think i wanna shoot for the reunion in front of all or friends. i just need to call Devon.
Joe: Your smart you know that Nick Jonas
Nick: I try
**Girls House**
Devon: Manda Manda Manda look look!
Manda: What?
Devon: Our first reunion invitation
Manda: Wow do i feel old
Devon: Its for the disney stars
Manda: Oh my i miss all my friends from disney
Devon: well you have me
Manda: True but we have to get moving and get dresses its soon!
Devon: I know
Manda: Im going to shower then we can go shop
Devon: Ok
**Devons phone rings**
Devon: Hello?
Nick: Hey devon its nick
Devon: Hey Nick whats up?
Nick: Is Manda around?
Devon: SHes in the shower sorry
Nick: good i don't want her
Devon: umm ok..
Nick: You can't tell her this but i want to propose
Devon: Oh my god yay!
Nick: yeah but i want you to help pick out the ring. you know her the best
Devon: Yeah oh course. umm maybe later tonight. Shes planing to go out with demi to the gym
Nick: Ok thats great.
Devon: When are you planing on doing it
Nick: the reunion
Devon: that sound great. all our old friends
Nick: thats what i was going for.
Devon: Ok well see you later
Nick: Please keep it DL
Devon: Of course
**The girls go shoping and find there dresses**
**Demi and Manda are at the gym**
**Nick and Devon are at the Ring shop**
Nick: Ok ready for this
Devon: yes i am im so excited you you guys
Nick: thanks
Devon: Ok well im going to be your little helper. cause i rember what the ladie did to help kevin.
Nick: good
Devon: Ok are you in a price range?
Nick: No i want something that is her
Devon: what are you looking for
Nick: Sparkle, big stone
Devon: How about this one?(one huge dimond and mini dimonds half way on the band)
Nick: too plain. i want like 3 stones. one small meaning me and one small meaning her and one big meaning our love... LIke this one (picks up ring with 3 gems and spakles down the band)
Devon: Wooh thats beautiful
Nick: It screams MANDA! i love it
Devon: She will too. its so her
Nick: Thanks
Devon: I did nothing
Nick: you lead me in the direction to look right at it.
Devon: Yeah im good like that
**Manda is at home eatting yogert on the coach.**
Devon: Hey weres demi?
Manda: She left, her and kevin had "plans"
Devon: Oh lala
Manda: haha where were you?
Devon: i went over joes for a little bit then went to town and got us theses super cool dimond earings for the reunion
Manda: Wooh theses are beautiful
Devon: i know ( deep inside she wants to say they are going to match the ring nick bought but shes keeping it for just 2 more days)
Manda: I love the tear drop effect of it
Devon: yeah i know
Manda: 2 more days wooh
Devon: yup its going to be the best night
Manda: I hope so
Devon: think we get awards
Manda: Nahh Demi said its kinda like a huge get together and a dance
Devon: sweet i never went to a dance.
Manda: Me niether
**Two days pass and its the night of the reunion**
Devon: Manda hurry up there here
Manda: ta da!
Devon: dazzling
Manda: pshh look at you dang girl you look hot hot hot
Devon: Thanks
Manda: Oh im so excited
Devon: Oh i know
(opens door)
Nick: *kisses manda* You look wonderful my dear
Manda: why thank you you look great
Joe: *kiss Devon*My princess
Devon: My prince
Joe: Looking lovley
Devon: Thanks
Nick: This is going to be like the dance we never had
Devon: Woo!
Manda: ha were ready when you are
Nick: Yeah lets get in the limo
**In limo**
Nick: We need to think of couple songs we can reqest
Manda: ha i feel like im 15 again. ha but im in a20 year old body
Joe: Seriously, Devon wht is our song?
Devon:Right here waiting?
Joe: Great
Nick: Manda?
Manda: I like "i'll be" its so prom like
Nick: i lke that song
Joe: Sweet i request them
Nick: Nah i got it.
Joe: Oh ok i got it
Devon: Wooh were here
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