New Stamps!!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011 por | | |

Today I got my first roller stamp in the mail. I started stamping for my wedding invitations (they were embossed) Now that I am getting into making cards I wanted to get some more stamps. I found Stampin' Up! online and I saw these stamping wheels and I decided to get one to see how it worked.

It's really cool!


Nice Clean lines. And I did that in about 10 seconds :-)


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-The Wedding Gifts Online

-Wedding Insurance

-Wedding Photographer Online

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Title: Club Penguin Cheats - Mountain Expedition 2010 Guide + New Pin + New Stamps

Hey penguins! Here is the guide for the new Mountain Expedition:

1. Go to the Town.
2. Click on the poster.
3. You will end up at the Ski Village so you can start your cold adventure.

Free Items on the mountain:

Here's how to find the Chill Treck Hat:
1. Go to the Ski Village.
2. Waddle to the Mountain Expedition entrance.
3. Waddle to the box that has a poster that says "FREE".
4. Click yes to receive the Chill Treck Hat.

Here's how to find the Red Flag:
1. Go to the Ski Village.
2. Waddle to the Mountain Expedition entrance.
3. Go to the top of the mountain.
4. Waddle to the box that has a poster that says "FREE".

Here's how to find the Top of the Mountain Background:
1. Go to the Ski Village.
2. Waddle to the Mountain Expedition entrance.
3. Click on the camera to get your picture taken.
4. Click yes to receive the background.


1. Supply Camp
2. Ice Cavern
3. Base Camp
4. Mountain
5. Mountain Top

To get pass the Icicles all you have to do is click on the icicles a few times after you have clicked the icicles a few times it will open and you should be at Base Camp.

Now you have waddle all the way to the top. You will be in another tricky room. Here is how to get pass this room.

After you get there there will be a twig/branch. Click it and and click it until the axe is out of the snow. When the axe is out, click it over and over to knock over the tree stump. Throw at least 3 snowballs at the icicles to make them fall.

Gongrats! You have reached the top of the mountain!

How to get to the secret room:

1. Go to the room where it has the axe and the twig.
2. Click on the ice rock on the bottom right corner of the screen.

New pin at Lighthouse (Carabiner).

©Gamer Productions 2010

Title: Picnic Basket Scrapbook Mini Album & New Stamps

I Brake for Stamps Discount Code: SAVE10ROBYN
Vintage Sewing: TTS-189
Scenic People: IBFSRB33
EZ Mount foam: STMF


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