I.D.O. Spotlight: Holly + James

Wednesday, February 23, 2011 por | | |

I.D.O. Spotlight: Holly + James

I.D.O. Spotlight: Holly + JamesSometimes we just have to pat ourselves on the back... and this is one of those times. Bride Holly came to us with her own monogram (above) and requested that we paint it onto an aisle runner for her. We have to admit that we were a little apprehensive about it as the design was so intricate, but we love a challenge so we agreed to help and we are so proud with how it turned out! And how beautiful is that color combo?! I adore everything about this runner... I don't even want to ship it out because I want to hang it up in the studio it's so gorgeous! I absolutely cannot WAIT for Holly & James to receive their runner. Holly & James please have your photographer take lots of pictures of the runner so we can have you as one of our "Featured Couples!" Best wishes!

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Check it out: http://danwarp.blogspot.com/2010/10/spaghetti-tacos-sweep-nation-really.html

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Title: Berlinale 2010: "I Shot My Love" Trailer (Berlin Film Festival Feature)

As part of our culture-gems spotlight, we're featuring one of the most thought provoking and highly discussed foreign independent movies at the recent Berlin Film Festival 2010, the Berlinale. A unique different look at a modern German-Israeli love affair.

Seventy years after his grandfather escapes from Nazi Germany to Palestine, Israeli documentary director Tomer Heymann returns to the country of his ancestors to present his film Paper Dolls at the Berlin International Film Festival, and there meets a man who will change his life.

This 48-hour love affair, originating in Berghain Panorama Bar, develops into a significant relationship between Tomer and Andreas Merk, a German dancer. When Andreas decides to move to Tel-Aviv, he not only has to cope with a new partner, but to manage the complex realities of life in Israel and his personal connection to it as a German citizen.

Tomer's mother, descendent of German immigrants was born and lived all her life in a small Israeli village, where she raised five sons. One by one, she watches her children leave the country she and her family helped to build, and now cannot help but try to influence the life of Tomer, the one son who remains.

I SHOT MY LOVE tells a personal but universal love story and follows the triangular relationship between Tomer, his German boyfriend, and his intensely Israeli mother.

* Written and directed by: Tomer Heymann
* Producers: Barak Heymann, Tomer Heymann
* Co-producer: Carl-Ludwig Rettinger
* Commissioning Editor: Sabine Rollberg
* Research: Tali-Shamir Werzberger
* Cameraman: Tomer Heymann
* Editor: Ido Mochrick
* Original Score: Israel Bright & Eran Weitz

The film was co-produced with WDR/ARTE and was fund by The New Foundation for Cinema & T.V, The Jewish Theatre Stockholm, Foundation for Jewish Culture and Gesher Multicultural Film Fund.

Title: Samsara club - Agonismo - Spotlight

Annalisa, Chiara, Marilisa, Michela e Monica danzano una coreografia di Sarah Shahine con la quale hanno gareggiato per la stagione 2009/2010 Danze Orientali...
3 ori ottenuti in gare nazionali...
Campionesse Regione Lombardia...
Vincitrici della Coppa Italia...
Quarte al Campionato Europeo...
Campionesse Italiane!!!


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